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Creating a solid financial plan and strategy both require you to analyze the campus’ past, present, and future fiscal situation. Without being able to think critically about our current environment and analyze relevant information, it is impossible to form an effective strategy. 

What you’ll find here

In this section you’ll find tools to assist you with analyzing the financial situation of your department. This includes information about general revenue allocations, which are a year-by-year breakdown of allocations for each department on campus. You’ll also find information on tuition and fees, which are helpful for illustrating how much of our funding comes from the student population. In addition you can find information on various rates, such as benefit and institutional support rates, which are rates involving offsetting the cost of benefits, and funding received by revenue-generating campus units.

Important: These numbers are for testing purposes, and should not be considered final.


State appropriations peak at about %70 of revenue


State appropriations and tuition switch places

Tuition rates continue to climb to offset reductions in state appropriations. At this point tuition is now greater than state funding.


The current portion of funding coming from state funds