Special customer numbers
- Customer numbers beginning with 8899 – If a customer number begins with 8899. then it can only be billed by the grants office. Please do not bill these customers. If you need to bill the customer, please submit a customer request form to our office to have a new customer created for your use.
- Customers beginning with RET – If a customer number begins with RET, then it can only be billed by the faculty and staff benefit office. Please do not bill these customers unless the bill is for insurance. If you need to bill the customer, please submit a customer request form to our office to have a new customer created for your use.
Navigate to the search page
- Select Billing tile
- Select Customers
- Select Add/Update – Customer
Submit the form
- Complete the form
- Please reference the Customer & supplier naming conventions below for customer name and addresses.
- Submit the form for approval
Billing the wrong customer
In the event that you bill the wrong customer, you’ll need to credit the customer that was billed and bill the correct customer. Please consult the end user training manual (TODO: Link 404s) for detailed instructions on how to issue a credit.
PeopleSoft production operations
The following tasks can all be completed by accessing PeopleSoft production.
Navigate to the bill line adjustment page
- Access the main menu
- Select billing
- Select maintain bills
- Select adjust selected bill lines
Enter your invoice information
- Ensure that you have selected the correct business unit
- Enter your invoice, include the prefix (INV, MOR, EXT, etc) in the Invoice field and select Search.
- Click Credit & Rebill option
Printing invoices
Navigate to FIN search options
- Access the main menu
- Select billing
- Select generate invoices
- Select non-consolidated
- Select reprint invoices
Locate your invoice
- Enter a run control ID
- Click search
Enter your invoice number(s)
- Enter the invoice numbers that you would like copies of in the from invoice and to invoice fields
- Select invoice ID from the range selection field
- Click run
Print your invoice(s)
- Enter PSUNX in the server name field
- Check the print invoice w/SQR option
- Select the window type
- Select PDF as the format
- Click OK
- Tip: Multiple windows may open and the invoice may take a few moments to appear
Printing Pro Formas
Logging customer conversations
Important information related to customers can be documented using the conversation panel. This helps to effectively communicate information to all parties in contact with a given customer, however the customer does not see this information.
Navigate to the conversations page
- Access the main menu
- Select accounts receivable
- Select customer interactions
- Select conversations
- Select view/update conversations
Add a new value
- Enter the customer ID into the cust ID field
- Click the add a new value tab
- Click add
Add your information
- Enter information into the description field
- Add your comments to the comments section
- Click save