Financial resources
ChartFields are used to classify accounting information in the PeopleSoft general ledger in accordance with fund accounting. There are several ChartFields that allow for reporting transaction details in a variety of ways and allow a finer level of detail for reporting purposes.Creating New
The request form is available in PeopleSoft to be utilized when requesting a new ChartField. The form will be routed to the Division FIN Finance Structure Responsible for approval and Division of Finance-Accounting for creation. Please refer to the New Chartfield Requests training section for further information.MOCODE
A MOCODE is a five-character field used to represent a combination of ChartField values. The use of MOCODEs simplifies the data entry of ChartFields in financial transactions when the same set of values is commonly used together. It does not include the Account ChartField as this must be entered separately on any transactions using MOCODEs. Please refer to the MOCODE Guide for further information.ChartField values
- Represents a campus or a separate reporting entity related to the Hospitals and Clinics within the System administration. This is a required field and is comprised of 5 alpha characters (ex. COLUM).
- Represents resources classified by uses and restrictions in compliance with financial reporting requirements. This is a required field and is comprised of 4 numeric characters (ex. 2300).
- Represents the department responsible within a college, school, division. This is a required field and is comprised of 8 characters, first being alpha for the business unit and remaining being numeric for the department (ex. C3090001).
- The DeptID also includes an attribute for expense classification by purpose used for uniform reporting by higher education (Program Classification Structure (PCS) ).
- An additional attribute is added to identify the source of revenues for a particular activity (School Specific Classification Structure (SSCS)).
- Represents activities that need to be captured for system-wide, campus-wide or interdepartmental purposes. If required the field is comprised of 5 characters, first being alpha for the business unit and remaining being numeric for the restriction (ex. C8135). If optional the field defaults to “0”.
- Represents activities temporary in nature or with start/end dates not in line with fiscal year. If required the field is comprised of 8 characters, first being alpha for the business unit, second being alpha for the type of project, and remaining being numeric for the project (ex. CP150861). If optional the field defaults to “00”.
- Represents details necessary for further classification at the division/department level. If required the field is comprised of 5 characters, first two being alpha for classification, and remaining being numeric for detail (ex. OT001). If optional the field defaults to “0”. The class field should be blank when using balance sheet PS Accounts.
- Represents transactions according to uses and/or restrictions in compliance with financial reporting requirements. This is a required field and is comprised of 6 numeric characters, the first being numeric for the classification on the balance sheet or income statement (ex. 721000).
Organizational tree
The organizational tree is a hierarchical representation of the finance and business services resource structure.General ledger transfers
Transfers are a movement of funds between ChartField strings. These are not considered expenses to the contributing fund or revenue to the recipient fund. Below are useful resources for those that have transfer journal entry (TRE) access in web apps/PeopleSoft journal entry, these guides demonstrate how to transfer between various funds and how to determine the appropriate account to use if the transfer is allowable. Please Note: New accounts in FY23 have an offsetting transfer in and transfer out. Contact Campus Finance for assistance.General ledger feeders
For administrative convenience, campus business functions can qualify to feed their accounting transactions to the General Ledger. See our feeder / source codes information for a list of source codes, descriptions, contact information, and department names.Guidance
- The University maintains a mailing list useful as a method for getting assistance from fiscal staff across campus related to PeopleSoft financials.
Joining the list
- Send an email to
- Leave the subject line blank
- In the message body, enter "subscribe MU-PSFINANCE-L [your first name] [your last name]"
Unsubscribing from the list
- Send an email to
- Leave the subject line blank
- In the message body, enter "unsubscribe MU-PSFINANCE-L"
- The list is case-insensitive, however you must use the correct term for the desired action, your correct first and last names as they appear in the payroll system and correct spacing.
- If you encounter technical issues when using the list, please contact the DoIT help desk at 573-882-5000, or email
- Do not respond to this mailing list. If you have questions regarding the content of a message, please direct them to your department/division fiscal officer.
PeopleSoft Reporting
- CGL_AUTHSIGNER_PROJECT - This is a query to use to get a detailed list of authorized signers under the WEB Application PS Authorized Signers for Project in a specified Node
- CGL_AUTH_SIGNERS_PROGRAMS - This is a query to use to get a detailed list of authorized signers under the WEB Application PS Authorized Signers for Programs in a specified Node
- CGL_WEB_CFS_AUTH_SIGNERS - This is a query to use to get a detailed list of authorized signers under the WEB Application PS Authorized Signers for DeptIDs/Globals in a specified Node
- CGL_ENDOWMENTS or CGL_BS_ENDOWMENTS - This query is usted to review Net Assets for Endowments in a given Division for any given Accounting Period in a Fiscal Year
- CGL_DEPART_MONTHLY_CHECKLIST - This query is used to review WEB Application Checklist items for a Department and/or SubDept(s)
- CGL_JRNL_CHECKLIST_ACCTG_POLIC - This query is used to review WEB Application Checklist items by the Division for verification of transactions +/- $20,000 per APM 2.25.70 - Transaction Authorization
- CGL_ENDOWED_SCHOLARSHIPS - This query provides summary ledger detail for Endowed Scholarships. With the aid of a Pivot Table in EXCEL the YTD activity and balance of these scholarships can be viewed
- CGL_NON_ENDOWED_SCHOLARHIPS - This query provides summary ledger detail for NON-Endowed Scholarships. With the aid of a Pivot Table in EXCEL the YTD activity and balance of these scholarships can be viewed
- CGL_SCHOLARSHIPS - This query provides Net Asset balance for all Chartfields under the Scholarship PCS code 8% for Columbia Campus or for a Division
- CGL_MOCODE_DEPTID_SELECTION - This query provides a list of ACTIVE MoCodes and Chartfield strings for a DeptID
- CGL_MOCODE_DIV_DEPT_LOOKUP - This query provides a list of ACTIVE MoCodes and Chartfield strings with Division, Dept, and SubDept
- CGL_PAYROLL_DETAIL_BY_NODE - This query provides Payroll Detail including PCEs for a Department Node for a given Fiscal Year and Accounting Period
MU Accounting
Contact information
- Email: