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Presentations & Data

Data and Presentations

The Data and Presentations page serves as a comprehensive resource for accessing key financial reports, presentations, and data visualizations. This page is designed to provide stakeholders with clear and accurate financial information, supporting informed decision-making and transparency within the university community.  The University’s fiscal year begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th.

Annual Budget and Financial Information

The slides in these files analyze MU’s funding sources. The Operating Fund, primarily composed of state appropriations and tuition and fees revenue, is examined by comparing its composition with historical trends at MU and funding levels at peer institutions.

General Revenue Allocations

The University’s operations fund is primarily comprised of tuition, state appropriations, and facilities and administrative (F&A) cost recovery from grant activity.  It is where the University budgets and accounts for the majority of the instructional, public service, and support activities.  On this page, you’ll find the campus allocation of general revenue to divisions for the last three fiscal years.


Our data metric reports compile diverse segments of information to evaluate the performance of academic Colleges, Schools, and Divisions (CSDs) on campus over two to three fiscal years. While no single category is used in isolation, collectively these metrics offer a comprehensive analysis of each unit.

The metrics include credit hours taught, tuition collected, financial aid provided, grant funding, general revenue allocation, auxiliary revenue, gift revenue, additional state or federal funding, total space controlled, and total expenditures. This holistic approach ensures a thorough assessment of each academic unit’s condition and performance.

Budgeting Insights

Our topical files offer detailed insights into various factors influencing the budgeting process. For example, the “Historical Financial Context” file from October 2020 outlines the financial challenges the UM System has faced over the past decade. Additionally, the Fall 2022 Budget Allocation Meeting file illustrates the steps taken to establish a base budget for each College, School, and Division on campus.

Tuition and Fees

The University of Missouri System has the latest information about tuition and fees at MU.